"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Listening to promptings

This morning I am reflecting on things that happened yesterday. Brandon was supposed to meet a friend at 7:00am to work on a truck for him. Well he didn't show so Brandon just went ahead and went to work. After some time passed he kept having a strong feeling that he needed to go over to his house. Well he listened and left work. When he got there his truck was in the driveway but he got no answer. So again he felt like something was wrong and he needed to get inside. (Me, I would have just left) He got inside and found his friend in the bathroom passed out and bleeding all over from a hitting his head. He was rushed to the hospital and after many test were done we have found out that he has a brain tumor. Brandon stayed at the hospital all day with him and then went with him to Phoenix when he was transferred to another hospital that will be able to help him more with his condition. He is supposed to have surgery to have it removed and we are very worried about the outcome. But who knows what would have happened it Brandon had not followed the feelings and promptings he was having. I know that sometimes I second guess myself when I feel promptings, and I need to remember that the spirit guiding us is a gift. I'm so grateful that Brandon knew what he needed to do and never second guessed himself.


Loree said...

oh my!!! wow, what a neat and scary experience. I hope your friend will be ok. I am so greatful for the promptings of the Holy Ghost in my life and when you hear stories like this makes you want to stay more intune so you can be guided and directed and hear those whisphers and follow those feelings. thanks for sharing Tammie.

Monica said...

What a neat story. A good reminder to listen to promptings!!

Sarah S. said...

That is enough to give you a little reality check. What a testimony builder for your family on the Holy Ghost. Thanks for sharing.