For the past week I have been working on transforming these paint cans into time capsules for our young women mother/daughter night. I didn't think I would ever get done!! But with the help of my great Hubby we pulled it off and got them all finished up tonight. Just in time for tomorrows activity. I think they turned out cute! Inside they will put things like what their ideal wedding will have. What temple they would like to be sealed in. How many kids they want to have and what favorite names they have picked out for them. A picture what kind of wedding dress they would like to have, qualities they want in a husband, and then a note from their mom of the things she hopes for them. On the top it says that it is to be opened on the night of their engagement. I think the girls will have a fun time making them. Our theme for the night is "Following the path to be sealed for eternity" we have a fun night planned for the girls and their moms. We will be having dinner and then I have asked a special guest speaker from our ward, Loree Zito to talk about preparing now for a temple marriage. I know she will do a great job!!
Everyone has put so much time and effort into preparing for this activity, hope everything goes well!
Wow ...those are so cute...You are so creative...that will be a fun night for the YW...
Your activities are the best!!
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